Friday, June 29, 2012

The Death Playlist

In response to the Supreme Court's recent upholding of US President Barack Obama's Affordable Health Care bill, and it's much fabled "death panels", this week's playlist has the only tenuously-related theme of death. Songs about death, dying, and things only tenuously related to death.

NOTE: This playlist is not intended to have any sort of political bent to it, so don't go leaving angry posts in the comments section about how I need to read the latest Newsmax/Breitbart/Some-Other-Libertarian-Guy news-post about how the President signed eating American flags into law because he knew it would contribute to Dick Cheney's heart failure causing rapid flying monkeys and elephants to form a frozen yogurt stand and that would usher in the apocalypse.

Save that for when I ACTUALLY post something political.

This is just a silly (Though morbid) playlist, and it felt like a nice half-assed segue.

Enjoy, leave a comment, leave a suggestion for a later playlist. What have you.


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